Wednesday, January 24, 2007

hey, ah zhu here again. sorry for floodin this blog, but i think you all can guess how boring my lecture is alrd. i am here to rant! cause why? i jus got sabo-ed by kenneth, tingwei and gareth! ok here the story goes, being nice, i brought biscuits for them to eat during lecture, and what do they do? they pass the extra biscuit to this random stranger that is sitting at the end of our row and says it's from me!! me! my goodness. how am i supposed to turn up for econs lecture from now on. i need a cap now to hide my face man. (kenneth says don't act cute. ah zhu says thanks man!) so now ah teck thinks our lecture is damn happening and is goin to crash next week. i am pretty sure there'll be even more crazy stuff happening next week. help!!

poor victimized ah zhu

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